St Charles RC Primary School

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St Charles RC Primary School

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  2. Online Safety

This month's Online Safety Newsletter...

A Useful Parental Controls Booklets

Past Issues of the Online Safety Newsletter

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Online Safety

Virgin Media - Online Safety Test and Online Safety Resources

To get you up to speed on the things you should be keeping an eye out for, check out the Children’s Internet Safety Test from Virgin Media, and keep on top of how your little ones are making use of the world wide web.

You can also access more resources via their website:

National Online Safety Handouts

The National Online Safety Centre have produced a range of handouts for parents containing lots of useful information about the different applications and websites children are using. Click on the links below to find out more.

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Our Commitment To Our Parents

The Staff and Governors of St Charles Primary School take internet safety extremely seriously. Whilst acknowledging the massive benefits that the Internet and electronic media bring in terms of education, communication, and sharing of resources, we are also mindful that there are adults who would use such media to try and gain unlawful and possibly harmful access to our children. We will strive to ensure that whilst in school our children can enjoy using the Internet without facing any of these dangers. Our Chair of Governors Mr Yates who is a safeguarding professional is lead governor on Online Safety and works very closely with Mr Kennedy who oversees the website. Our school Online Safety policy is reviewed and updated annually and all members of staff and governors are fully aware of their responsibilities to safeguard your children in an ever-changing electronic age.

Our Suggestions To Parents

You need to know what your children are doing online. Potentially they can face more harm in their bedrooms than on the streets!

  • Ask them to show you the websites they use

  • Keep the family computer in a family room

  • Help your children to understand they must never give out personal details online. These include phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and pictures

  • Encourage your child to tell you if they see anything online that makes them uncomfortable or frightened. Tell them it is possible to access such areas of the Internet accidentally and they have not done anything wrong. Better still, reward them for their honesty.

Social Networking Sites

Many of our parents and staff use social networking sites recreationally and to keep in touch with friends. Please be aware that such sites are used by adult offenders to make contact with potential victims. Never feel pressurised into creating a fictitious age for your children to gain access just as you would not buy them cigarettes. You would not want to teach them that rules do not matter on  certain occasions. If your children are using Facebook please make them aware that it is not appropriate to ask staff members to be their “friends.” We would also respectfully point out that any parent or carer who defames any member of staff or questions their professional integrity on social media platforms will have that content sent to the LEA legal team to establish if it breaks the law. It is not acceptable to use public forums to criticise or abuse our members of staff.

Useful Online Safety Advice For Parents

 There are several websites with a wealth of information for parents with concerns in these areas.