What is the PTFA?
PTFA stands for the Parent Teacher and Friends Association. Our PTFA is a fundraising venture linked directly to St Charles Primary School whose aim is to provide community events that everyone can enjoy and raise money to give children things that they may not normally be given at school.
Over the years, our PTFA has given our school a considerable amount of money to fund major projects such as the buddy benches, metal football and basketball nets on the junior playground, laptops, fun inflatable days and a range of other things the children may not have been able to benefit from without our help.
All parents, carers and teachers at the school are automatically members of the PTFA, so please get involved.
Some of the things PTFA members do:
Help to organise events which benefit our children;
Help to get other parents/carers involved in PTFA events, e.g. asking others to help out at the Christmas Fair, Quiz Nights and Summer Barbecue;
Feeding back any ideas that you or other parents/carers may have to the PTFA Committee to improve our fundraising effors;
Spreading the word about the amazing work our PTFA do.
Everyone is most welcome so please join us at our next meeting.
Many thanks
The PTFA Committee